In Bhutan’s society, from the philosophical and ethical aspects of Buddhism, the parts applicable to modern society are extracted and incorporated into the constitution and policy[1]. Among them, the concept of GNH in Article 9 (2) of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan will be particularly important[2]. It seems that there are various definitions of GNH (Gross National Happiness), but as an example, “GNH comprehensively measures the quality of the nation (rather than GNP, Gross National Product), and the better development of human society is based on the belief that material development and mental development are born where they complement each other and strengthen each other[3]. The national politics of Bhutan is proceeding in line with this GNH philosophy.
GNH (Gross National Happiness) Policy
GNH is a concept advocated by Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the fourth King of Bhutan (1955 ~) in the 1970s. Since then, it has become known worldwide [4]. At that time, while the countries all over the world prioritized GNP (Gross National Product), the 4th King of Bhutan made GNH the main axis of national policy because happiness was more important than things and money.
Currently, all policies of the Bhutanese government must be supported by the GNH philosophy. Regardless of the policy, the GNH commission headed by the prime minister will judge whether or not it faithfully follows the GNH philosophy [5]. Even if a policy proposal is effective for economic growth, if there is a possibility of destroying the environment or invading the community, the GNH commission will prompt a change and it will not be implement as it is [6]. In addition, the Centre for Bhutan Studies &GNH plays a central role in conducting a national census (GNH survey) once every five years to research the happiness of each generation nationwide.
This GNH has 4 pillars, 9 domains and 33 indicators. It should be noted that there is often misunderstanding that they deny the economic aspects of GNP or GDP just because they pursue GNH policies. The economy is often not as absolute a factor as it is thought in the developed world and is one of the 4 pillars or 9 domains of GNH. That is, GNP and GDP occupy only a part of GNH. Economic growth is important for maintaining happiness. It is not just that material development is good, but it is important to realize happiness while developing while maintaining a balance between material and spirit. It seems that the Buddhist philosophical idea of ”Middle Way”, which avoids the two extremes of “only substance” or “only spirit”, also works here.
Structure of GNH
There are 4 pillars in GNH. “Promotion of sustainable development”, “Preservation and promotion of cultural values”, “conservation of the natural environment”, “Establishment of good governance”. The economic aspect is one of the major axes that supports GNH, which is included in the pillar of “promoting sustainable development,” but it can also be said that it is just one of the axes.
9 domains of GNH is “Education”, “Living Standard”, “Health”, “Psychological Well-being”, “Community Vitality”, “Cultural Diversity Resilience”, “Time-Use”, “Good Governance” and “Ecological Diversity & Resilience”. Economy would be included in the range of “the living standard”. In other words, the economy is only important as one of the 9 domains of “living standards” and is not an absolute factor. Moreover, the standard of living here refers to the standard of living of each citizen, and it is premised that a handful of people should not monopolize wealth.
(Author: Professor Seiji Kumagai)
33 scale
The 33 scales (Indicator) and the specific gravity of each scale are as
- Education:literacy、schooling、Knowledge、Value
- Living Standard:household per capita income、assets、housing
- Health:self-reported health status、healthy days、disability、mental health
Psychological well-being:life satisfaction、positive emotion、negative
emotion、spirituality - Community Vitality:donation、safety、community relationship、family
Cultural Diversity & Resilience:srtisan skills、cultural
participation、speak native language、driglam namzha - Time-Use:working hours、sleeping time
Good Governance:political participation、services、governance
performance、fundamental rights -
Ecological Diversity & Resilience:wildlife damage、urban
issues、responsibility towards environment、ecological issues
[1]ブータン王国憲法第三条は、伝統宗教についての項目である。第一節(Article 3-1. Buddhism is the spiritual heritage of Bhutan, which promotes the principles and values of peace, non-violence, compassion and tolerance.)では、仏教がブータンの伝統宗教であると明言している。第二節(Article 3-2. The Druk Gyalpo is the protector of all religions in Bhutan.)においては、国王がブータン国内における「全ての宗教の守護者」であるとして、信教の自由を保障している。さらに、第三節(Article 3-3. It shall be the responsibility of religious institutions and personalities to promote the spiritual heritage of the country while also ensuring that religion remains separate from politics in Bhutan. Religious institutions and personalities shall remain above politics.)において、ブータンの宗教は政治から分離されなければならないとして、仏教の強制を否定しながらも、伝統宗教である仏教の尊重を法的に認めている。
憲法第八条は、ブータン国民の基本責務に関する条項である。第三節(A Bhutanese citizen shall foster tolerance, mutual respect and spirit of brotherhood amongst all the people of Bhutan transcending religious, linguistic, regional or sectional diversities.)には、ブータン国民は、宗教、言語、地域などの違いを超えて、寛容性を持ち互いを尊敬し家族のように愛し合わなければならないとある。異宗教に対する尊重という考え方は、二十世紀にチベット・ヒマラヤ地域で起こった無宗派折衷運動(Ris med)の影響を髣髴とさせる。また、異なる文化を持つ他者に対する尊重の背景として、一切衆生の平等性を認める仏教的死生観が存在するものと考えられる。
憲法第九条は、国の政策の基本原理である。第二十節(The State shall strive to create conditions that will enable the true and sustainable development of a good and compassionate society rooted in Buddhist ethos and universal human value.)では、仏教的な思想と実践に根ざした善行及び慈愛を施す共同体における、あらゆる持続可能な開発の追求が提唱されている。注意しなければならないのは、ここでの「仏教」が意味しているのは、宗教的・信仰的側面ではなく、あくまでその倫理的側面、すなわち「利他行の実践」のことである。これは、いわゆる儒教的道徳や、キリスト教の隣人愛などとも大よそ矛盾しないものと思われる。
[2] Article 9-2. The State shall strive to promote those conditions that will enable the pursuit of Gross National Happiness.
[3] Karma Ura et al., An Extensive Analysis of GNH Index, Centre for Bhutan Studies, 2012: “Gross National Happiness measures the quality of a country in more holistic way [than GNP] and believes that the beneficial development of human society takes place when material and spiritual development occur side by side to complement and reinforce each other.” なお、本文中の和訳は、本林靖久・高橋孝郎『ブータンで本当の幸せについて考えてみました。』、阪急コミュニケーションズ、二〇一三年、二六頁を参照。
[4] GNHという概念の成立年については諸説あるが、一九七〇年代であったに違いない。
Jigmi Y. Thinley, What is Gross National Happiness?, Rethinking Development: Proceedings of Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness, The Centre for Bhutan Studies, 三頁や、Lyly Wangchhuk, Facts about Bhutan: The land of the Thunder Dragon, Absolute Bhutan Books, 一八五頁は、GNHは一九七二年に第四代国王により提唱されたと主張する。
しかし、今枝由郎『ブータン:変貌するヒマラヤの仏教王国』(新装増補版)、大東出版社、二〇一三年、二五五頁では、一九七九年、第四代ブータン国王が第六回非同盟諸国首脳会議出席後に行った記者会見において、「Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross National Product(GNHはGNPよりも重要である)」と発言したことが最初の公式発表であったと、年代を訂正している。
また、Karma Ura & Karma Galay, Gross National Happiness and Development, Centre for Bhutan Studies, 2004, vii頁は、GNHは一九七〇年代後半に導入されたとしている。
[5] GNHコミッションは、首相を議長、財務大臣を副議長とし、各省庁の事務次官などを加えた計十五名のメンバーから構成されている。実務は、GNHコミッションの事務次官を中心とした組織で行われる。Gross National Happiness Commissionのウェブサイト(を参照。
[6] 本林靖久・高橋孝郎『ブータンで本当の幸せについて考えてみました。』、阪急コミュニケーションズ、二〇一三年、三三―三七頁によると、新しい政策が上がってくると、GNHに関するスクリーニングが行われる。二十数項目について四段階の評価を行い、評価の平均点が四段階中の三に満たない場合には、政策の変更が促される。二〇〇八年頃にWTOへの加盟が議論された際に、スクリーニングが行われた結果、ネガティブな要素の方が大きいという判断が下され、加盟が見送られた。